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Why rent an apartment in the neighbourhood of Cuzco-Castillejos, Madrid?

Cuzco-Castillejos lies in the northwest of Madrid and is part of the district of Tetuán. It is bordered by Calle de Bravo Murillo to the northwest; Paseo de la Castellana to the east; and Calle del General Yagüe to the south.

The area is densely populated, because it is next to the Paseo de la Castellana with its hotels, bars, restaurants and leisure venues.

The always crowded Plaza de Castilla is in the north of Cuzco-Castillejos, but there is also Calle de Sor Ángela de la Cruz which crosses it and runs in the direction of Plaza de Cuzco in the east.

The area is well-connected by both bus and metro (Cuzco, Tetuán and Valdeacederas).

Renting an apartment in Cuzco-Castillejos means you will end up in an area that is full of services and lots of leisure areas. It is ideal for anyone who wants to rent an apartment in the district of Tetuán.

Discover the neighbourhood of Cuzco-Castillejos with ShMadrid

Cuzco-Castillejos is a very popular part of the district of Tetuán, which is one of the districts that are very much in demand in the city of Madrid. There are several shopping options and leisure areas.

The area is very vibrant and there are good connections to other parts of the capital. Apartments in Cuzco-Castillejos are cheaper than in other districts in Madrid, compared to for example the district of Salamanca and Madrid Central.

This area has several leisure venues to spend some of your free time at, for example: the famous Paseo de la Castellana and the also very popular Plaza de Castilla.

To summarize, the neighbourhood of Cuzco-Castillejos is a lively and middle-class area, with many and different kinds of services and commercial zones. Besides these characteristics, it is very well connected to other parts of the Spanish capital.

What to see in Cuzco-Castillejos in Madrid

You can enjoy a visit to the Paseo de la Castellana in Cuzco-Castillejos, and this avenue in the capital runs from Plaza de Colón, in the centre, to Nudo Norte.

This avenue has been in function since the beginning of the 20th century, and it currently consists of six central lanes (the main road) and four side lanes (service roads).

In this same area, you can see the building of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE or National Statistics Institute), an autonomous organization in Spain that is in charge of general coordination of statistical services provided by the Administración General del Estado (or General Administration of the State).

 It is also in charge of surveillance, control and supervision of the administration’s technical procedures.

Although the building was constructed in 1973, it was profoundly remodelled between the years of 2006 and 2008.

Architects César Ruiz-Larrea and Antonio Gómez Gutiérrez have completely transformed its original looks by giving it a colourful appearance, as coloured panels and numbers, ranging from 001 to 058, are now on its façade.

This façade is an artwork by sculptor José María Cruz Novillo, and it has been called Diafragma Decafónico de Digitos.

Other options to stay in the district of Tetuán are:

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