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Why rent an apartment in the neighbourhood of Bellas Vistas, Madrid?

Bellas Vistas is one of the neighbourhoods in the district of Tetuán, a district in the northwest of Madrid.

Its limits are: Calle de Francos Rodríguez to the north; Calle de Bravo Murillo to the east; Avenida de la Reina Victoria to the south; and Avenida de Pablo Iglesias, Avenida del Doctor Federico Rubio y Galí and Calle de Numancia to the west.

There is an excellent public transport network, that consists both of buses and metro lines, with metro stops like Alvarado, Estrecho and Francos Rodriguez.

When you rent an apartment in Bellas Vistas, the area is full of services and therefore very complete. It is ideal for many different people who want to rent an apartment in the district of Tetuán.

Discover the neighbourhood of Bellas Vistas with ShMadrid

The part of the city called Bellas Vistas is very complete and it can be found in the district of Tetuán, which is one of the most popular districts in the city of Madrid. There are several shopping zones and plenty of supermarkets to do your daily shopping.

At the beginning of the twentieth century (1920-1930) Madrid’s population grew significantly, because of the emigrants arriving from Andalusia, Extremadura and Castilla la Mancha. These emigrants worked in factories around Madrid.

Affordable homes were built in order to welcome emigrants, and these homes turned into typical and popular worker’s accommodation in the area of Bellas Vistas.

This part of the city is quiet and has good connections with other areas within the capital. Apartments are more affordable than in other districts, like Madrid Central and Salamanca.

Hospital Central de la Cruz Roja San José y Santa Adela is in this neighbourhood and also the Plaza del Poeta Leopoldo de Luis.

In short, Bellas Vistas is a quiet, middle-class area, full of different types of services and multiple shopping zones. It is also very well connected to other parts of the capital.

What to see in the neighbourhood of Bellas Vistas in Madrid

You can go and see the aqueduct of Amaniel in Bellas Vistas, which is neither Roman nor Arabic. It was actually built in the second half of the nineteenth century, and it is part of the structure of Canal de Isabel II.

It is located at what is now the Avenida de Pablo Iglesias. In 2004, a project proposal by the City Council was meant to join Plaza de Cuzco with the M-30 (that crosses the district) through an underground tunnel, which would have resulted in demolishing the aqueduct.

Neighbours’ negative responses to the idea have managed to save the aqueduct, but unfortunately not everything could be rescued. As a great part of the aqueduct was below street level, not all seventeen arches have remained completely visible and intact.

Nowadays, you can only see a part of this mysterious architectural structure in the popular neighbourhood of Bellas Vistas in the district of Tetuán.

Other options for staying in the district of Tetuán are:

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