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Why rent an apartment in the neighbourhood of Valdezarza, Madrid?

Located in the district of Moncloa-Aravaca in Madrid’s west, Valdezarza is bordered by Calle del Valle de Mena in the north; Calle de Villaamil and Calle de Ofelia Nieto in the east; Calle de Francos Rodríguez in the south; and Calle de Antonio Machado, Calle de la Isla de Oza and Calle de Nueva Zelanda in the west.

If you are going to rent an apartment in Valdezarza and are thinking about doing so in its northwest, then you will be close to highway M-30. This makes it one of Madrid’s  perfect locations, if you need to travel by private car regularly.

Besides benefitting from a highway, the area also enjoys an excellent public transport network, with several bus lines and metro stops, like Valdezarza and Antonio Machado.

Valdezarza is a peaceful, residential neighbourhood. It is ideal for students or anyone else looking to rent an apartment in the district of Moncloa-Aravaca, although it comes at cheaper prices in comparison to other areas in the same district.

Discover the neighbourhood of Valdezarza with ShMadrid

Valdezarza is one of the student areas in the district of Moncloa, which is one of the most elegant districts in the city of Madrid. There are some residential zones, and it is close to leisure areas.

This is definitely a quieter area, and it is fairly well connected to other parts of the Spanish capital. Properties here are somewhat cheaper than in other areas in the same district, like for example Ciudad Universitaria.

Valdezarza is close to a couple of leisure areas, and they are mainly aimed at the large number of students who live in this corner of the city.

In other words, Valdezarza is a calm and peaceful place, it is well-connected to other areas in the capital, and it is ideal for students studying at one of Madrid’s prestigious universities in the same area, like Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Property prices in Valdezarza, which is near to Ciudad Universitaria, are more affordable than elsewhere, and that is why many young people choose Valdezarza as their place of residence.

What to see in the neighbourhood of Valdezarza in Madrid

One of the most interesting sights to see in Valdezarza is the square that carries the same name.

The square is also known as "Plaza del Ahorramás", which had originally been the location for Valdezarza’s annual festivities and celebrations.

As time passed, the way the square was used changed, and it is now basically an area for passing through and used as a means of access for nearby shops and businesses.

Valdezarza is very close to essential resident facilities, like the Municipal Sports Centre Ciudad de los PoetasJulio Cortázar Cultural Centre and Dehesa de la Villa Senior Centre.

Other options to stay in the district of Moncloa-Aravaca are:

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