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Why rent an apartment in the neighbourhood of Ciudad Jardín, Madrid?

The neighbourhood of Ciudad Jardín is located in the district of Chamartín, a district in the north of Madrid, and the neighbourhood is bordered by Avenida de Ramón y Cajal in the north, Calle del Padre Claret in the east, Calle de López de Hoyos in the south and Calle del Príncipe de Vergara in the west.

In the far northwest of the neighbourhood you will find Parque de Berlín, which is a perfect park to relax in. Calle de López de Hoyos is one of the most commercial streets here.

The neighbourhood doesn’t lack good transport connections by bus and metro, because of the stations of Prosperidad, Alfonso XIII, Cruz del Rayo and Concha Espina.

Ciudad Jardín offers plenty of services, and it is therefore a very complete neighbourhood, perfect for anyone looking for tranquillity and wanting to rent a flat in the district of Chamartín.

Discover the neighbourhood of Ciudad Jardín with ShMadrid

The neighbourhood of Ciudad Jardín is a neighbourhood full of services in the district of Chamartín, which is one of the most comprehensive districts in the city of Madrid.

The neighbourhood has several commercial areas, large apartment blocks and parts of the neighbourhood consist of terraced houses and tower houses.

It is an ideal neighbourhood if you can enjoy the peacefulness this area provides, while still being in proximity of services, green areas (such as Parque de Berlín), shops and leisure areas.

The neighbourhood of Ciudad Jardín is very well connected with other parts of the capital, and it also contains main access routes to the city of Madrid. This makes Ciudad Jardín the ideal place for anyone who travels on a regular basis.

Apartments and houses in this area are not cheap, but they are still cheaper than the ones in other neighbourhoods in the same district, such as El Viso or Madrid Centro.

To give a short summary: the neighbourhood of Ciudad Jardín is a peaceful area full of different types of services and commercial areas; it is relatively affordable and well-connected to other areas within the capital; there are main roads going in and out of the city; and this neighbourhood also has residential zones with low houses and villas, making it the perfect location for anyone who doesn’t want to live in an apartment.

What to see in the neighbourhood of Ciudad Jardín in Madrid

The most interesting part of the neighbourhood of Ciudad Jardín is Parque de Berlín, a 4.92 ha large urban park in the district of Chamartín, which is bordered by Calle San Ernesto, Calle de Marcenado, Avenida de Ramón y Cajal and Calle del Doctor Marco Corera.

The park includes the sculpture of a bear (which is the symbol of the city of Berlin), a monument to Beethoven (representing his head on a sculpture of a piano made in granite by Quintana de la Serena), a bust in memory of Alvaro Iglesias Sanchez, a fountain with pieces of the Berlin wall and a small auditorium.

Other options to stay in the district of Chamartín are:

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